Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I just watched Elite Squad 2

WARNING : This post contains me giving a lot of fucks

Synopsis: "After a prison riot, Captain Nascimiento, now a high ranking security officer in Rio de Janeiro, is swept into a bloody political dispute that involves government officials and paramilitary groups."
It's fucking textbook scriptwriting : Give characters the hardest fucking time you can. Be fucking brutal. Push them to the fucking limit, fuck them to hell, damn them. That's how you write a screenplay. You write fucking amazing character arcs, make the audience fucking love the characters or fucking hate them. Make it as fucking complex as fucking possible. And that's what Tropa de Elite fucking does. 

And Nascimento, here, goes through the fucking most hardest time possible. I won't tell you even a little bit of it. I want it to fucking shock you and move you as it fucking did me. When the shit hits the fan, your jaw's going to fucking drop. Hard. Doesn't matter if you're a fucking child murderer or a fucking rapist, it's going to get to you. It's that fucking good. This movie will give you fucking chest hair. And it's a fucking interesting story of one man against a fucking army of motherfuckers; bureaucrats, politicians, media personalities, the fucking Brazilian mafia. And this guy is fucked. He's fucked from everywhere, his wife's married the one fuck responsible for getting him off the squad he loved serving so fucking much. His son fucking hates him for doing whatever he has to do, and there are enemies fucking everywhere. 
The stakes aren't physically very high. Shit isn't about to blow up. Not physically, atleast. It fucking attacks where it hurts most. Not the fucking crotch, if you were wondering, but the fucking heart. This movie just falls short of fucking launching a harpoon through Nascimento's chest. It gives him a very fucking hard time. And that's why it's excellent.   

And director Jose Padhila is fucking gifted. A lot of directors channel beauty, wonder, and love through their films. But this guy, he channels fucking rage. Just look at the fucking number of fucks I give to this post. That's how well he channels it.
And Micheal Bay lovers will suck Padhila's wet cock after watching this movie.
That's how action is done, motherfuckers.
That's how you make a fucking movie.
Fucking A grade stuff, like 100 kilos of weed. Fucking 9/10 in terms of numbers. Way fucking better than it's prequel (which is worth watching too).
Fuck yeah. Haven't seen this good an action film in a long fucking time. Fuck Yeah. Watch it. Definitely watch it. I recommend watching part one before this, but I don't really give a flying fuck if you don't. You don't need to really know what happens before. This is the best fucking film out of Brazil I've seen since City of God.
Also, I won't be surprised if this wins the best foreign language Oscar. My only regret is not watching it fucking earlier like my Uncle told me to. Damn. Should have watched it then.
Buy Elite Squad here. Elite Squad 2 : The Enemy Within here

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