Monday, November 28, 2011

On Django Unchained. And why I can't bloody wait.

Quentin Tarantio.
Heard of him? He's done a few good movies with a few good actors and wrote a few good scripts for movies like KILL BILL, INGLORIOUS BASTERDS and PULP FICTION.
Educate yourself.
So here we go, if you are a Tarantino fan you will very well be aware that this guy's a sucker for Westerns. He's a sucker for that Sergio Leone music and that wide shot panning across a desert landscape, and a Tarantino western has been a long time coming.Yeah, Kill Bill had some western tones, but it wasn't a full-on guns-a-blazin' horse ridin' western worthy of someone as awesome as Tarantino.
So here we get Django Unchained; the story of a freed slave who sets out on a quest to rescue his wife who is held captive by a plantation owner in Southern America, starring Christoph Waltz as Doctor King Schultz and some other people in various roles here (but that really doesn't matter, it's Christoph's movie). And yes, the script got leaked. And yes, Miramax tried getting rid of it, but what the hell, it's the goddamn internet. You can't get rid of stuff from the Internet. That's where I got the goddamn Thor screenplay a good three months before it released.
The first time I read the script, I didn't like it that much. It just seemed like a wrong choice for Tarantino and felt like a mere Oscar vehicle for Christoph Waltz's bounty-hunter/doctor. Yes, there were awesome bits, there were funny bits, but cohesively, it wasn't very good for me. But that was the first time. When I reread it, I finally got it. This wasn't a bad script with a few good moments anymore; it was a BRILLIANT script with very few bad moments. It's actually very, very good. It may not be Tarantino's best movie yet, but I'll be damned if it doesn't turn out to be a freaking brilliant film and an amazing western.
What I really like about this film is that tackles an aspect of American history that no one has the balls to tackle: the rapes, the torture and the slavery. Tarantino gets to use his favorite N-word a lot given the period of the film and the subject matter it deals with and he handles it in style.
Boy, is this script violent. There's just a lot of blood. It's fucking bloodier than Kill Bill and more brutal on the senses than that BDSM scene from Pulp Fiction. If this movie gets made the way its written on the script, expect this to be Tarantino's most brutal film yet.
It's fucking violent. But what stops it from turning into a gorefest are two things : the humor and the story. This is by far, the funniest script Tarantino has ever or will ever write. It's just ripe with humor, from making fun of bumbling Hillbillies to slaves who gape at Django's ubercoolness. And it also hits the right emotional beats as expected of a Tarantino movie. The best thing about this script is that it's got a message, and how it will be delivered to the audience is brilliant. On the surface, it's an out and out Western that shocks and entertains, but what it wants the audience to remember is the message.
 It's a history lesson, people, and it's history rewritten by Tarantino himself.
And I can't fucking wait.


  1. Script where is it

  2. ^I won't be able to upload the script here because Miramax will fucking KILL me.
    So, sorry.


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